Daily workouts
Check out my workout philosophy here: https://unexpectedembraced.com/my-workout-philosophy/
Week of 10/6
Sunday Oct 13
Rest day
4 mile easy hike
Monday Oct 14
Back and Bicep
Shoulder mobility warm up
3X 12 straight arm pull down + 1 min plank
3X 12 seated cable row + 10 TRX row
3X 8 pull-up + 10 lat pull down
3X 12 back extensions (130) + 10 bicep curl (30)
5 mile Bike ride
Tuesday Oct 15
Cardio and Legs
5 mile hill loop (6:40 pace)
2X weighted vest stair
1X stair sprint
3X 10 single leg kB deadlift + 12 lunge
3X 15 kB swing + 12 kB weighted bridges
3X 10 Romanian deadlifts (each leg) + 15 SLOW weighted calf raise
3X 10 hamstringing exercise ball rollouts + 1 min plank
Wednesday Oct 16
Chest and Shoulder
Easy warmup
3X 10 dB shoulder lifts (20) + 10 shoulder planes (25)
51 burpees
3X 9 bench press (145) + 30 shoulder taps
24 burpees (half with 3 push-ups)
3X 10 incline dB bench (45) + 12 dB push press (20)
25 burpees (3 push-ups every 3rd burpee)
3X 12 chest fly (130) + 1 min hollow hold
9 min ab circuit
Thursday Oct 17
Cardio and Recovery
Morning Yoga
Afternoon Precision running class (5 miles)
Friday Oct 18
Back and Legs
Ankle Band Warm up (fire up glutes)
2 min row
3X 12 hamstring curl + 12 pull-ups
4X 10 DL (185) + 1 min hollow hold
3X 10 bent over row + 10 bicep curls + 15 weighted calf raise (each leg)
3X 12 TRX row + 20 4pt single leg calf jumps (each leg)
3X 10 seated leg curl (100) + 10 trap raises (60)
Week of 10/6
Sunday Oct 6
Rest day
Monday Oct 7
Back and Bicep
30 min lift session:
Pull-ups + lat pull-down + bicep curls + back extensions
Tuesday Oct 8
1 hr intense tennis
12 mile bike ride
Wednesday Oct 9
Chest and Shoulders
Band work warmup
4X 8 double kb front squat (48lb kb)
36 burpees
5X 6 dB bench press @150lb + 60 sec wall sit
30 burpees (half w/3 push-ups for total of 45 push-ups)
3X 8 45lb shoulder raises + 10 45lb shoulder press + 50ft farmers carry
3X 12 burpees + 8 90lb trap raises
Light db shoulder raises, superset hamstring roll outs
100 shoulder taps
Thursday Oct 10
Back and Bicep
Warm up
1,000m row
3X 10 lat pull down + 25 calf raise (60lb each leg)
500m row (for speed)
3X 8 bicep curl + 20 hanging leg raises
500m row (for speed)
3X 10 cross body pulls + 80 single leg calf jumps (each leg)
7 min ab circuit finisher
Friday Oct 11
Band warm ups
Squat warm ups
4X 8 3:3:3:1 squat (195)
Decline abs
Shoulder taps + pushups
10X Heavy seld push (50ft)
30 lunge jumps
30 squat jumps
200 sit ups
2.5 mile run
Chest and Shoulder
Easy warmup
3X 12 dB shoulder lifts (17.5) + 10 shoulder planes (25)
3X 10 dB bench press (55) + 10 push up
3X 10 incline bench (95) + 10 dB push press (25)
3X 12 chest fly (130) + 10 bosu push ups
3X 10 single arm Tri pull downs (30)
3X 12 dips
Precision running (5 miles total)
Week of 9/29/19
Friday Oct 4
Plyo Day
15 wall balls (20lb)
12 kb squats (61lb)
24 walking lunges
20 burpees
Rest 2 min
2 x 90 second weighted wall sit
1 min flutter kick
20 180 “X” jumps
100 single leg calf jumps (each leg)
20 180 “X” jumps
30 V ups
30 weighted calf raises (each leg)
30 V ups
2.5 mile run
Evening Yoga session
Saturday Oct 5
Rest day
3 mile walk
Dance at concert